DownloadWith the integrated use of remote sensing, big data analysis and Artificial Intelligence, DeepGreen is deployed to assess urban vulnerabilities and find specific urban design and planning solutions to achieve immediate and longlasting impact.

IQD - JULY / SEPTEMBER 2021, Shared Intelligences, p. 70-73, by Claudia Pasquero and Marco Poletto
Ubiquitous computing enables us to decipher the Biosphere’s anthropogenic dimension, what the authors call the Urbansphere (Pasquero, Poletto, 2020). This machinic perspective unveils a new post-anthropocentric reality, where the impact of artificial systems on the natural Biosphere is indeed global, but their agency is no longer entirely human. This article explores a protocol to design the Urbansphere, or what we may call the urbanization of the non-human, titled DeepGreen.