AIRlab is an urban laboratory for converting air pollution into products that help protect our breathing.

Otrivin Air Lab, a living showroom and bio-design workshop conceived in collaboration with Otrivin is open to the public at the Building Centre in London (UK) from June 15th to September 17th, 2022. The Otrivin Air Lab engages its visitors in the development of biodegradable polymers made with the by-product of the air purification process powered by living photosynthetic microalgae.

With the international reputation of ecoLoficStudio for its projects integrating systemic thinking, computational design, biotechnology, and digital prototyping. This “broadened” approach to design, ranging from the micro to the urban scales, is embodied into the Otrivin Air Lab, where the experimental practice becomes an open laboratory in the public realm.

With the Otrivin Air Lab, we want to enable urban dwellers to design new nature based circular economies. At the lab we harvest carbon dioxide, purify polluted urban air and 3d print plastic free biodegradable products. Essentially, we convert air pollution into products that help protect our breathing!
— affirm Claudia Pasquero and Marco Poletto, co-founders of ecoLogicStudio.

In the Otrivin Air Lab, ecoLogicStudio’s bio-designers will craft a catalog of material samples with various properties derived directly from the daily harvest. From bioplastics and bio-rubbers, to 3d printing algae filaments, they will be testing various algae strains resulting in a catalog of beautiful colour gradients. These crafted filaments will be employed in a live 3d printing process to produce carbon neutral products.

In particular, the unique Fibonacci NetiPot introduces a new line of product opportunities that updates the historical evolution of nasal cleansing and respiratory wellness for the post-pandemic age. The ambition is to raise awareness about the impact of air quality on our respiratory health, by bringing a pleasurable experience of beauty, aesthetic and haptic stimulation into everyday lifestyles of self-care. With each NetiPot produced 15g of carbon dioxide are removed from the air, so that by taking care of ourselves we can also take care of the environment we are part of.
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Claudia Pasquero using designed netipot
ecoLogicStudio & Otrivin are partners in the belief that no action is too small when it comes to mitigating the impact of poor air quality on our breathing health, and that experimentation is a key part of the journey toward uncovering innovative ideas that can inspire thought and be a template for a sustainable manufacturing future.